Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It has been quite a while since my last post, so here's a quick update.
I flew up to Las Vegas on March 26th despite still feeling very ill. I needed a break and a change of scenery. I'm very glad I went! It was awesome! My friend pushed my wheelchair around and took great care of me while we had tons of fun! The symptoms I was experiencing in my last post seemed to fade.
I flew back home on April 2nd....I was tired, but still feeling somewhat ok. Within an hour of touching down, my symptoms returned - heat sick, achy skin, headache, stomach upset, exhaustion etc.....they have just gotten worse since. I'm thinking it just may be my body reacting very strongly to dust and pollen here as we've had lots of wind and everything is blooming. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow to set up an appointment and will ask her to prescribe something for allergies that might help calm my body down.

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