Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good things in the works

OK, I finally got another phone appointment with the state for food stamps and medical insurance, and they called me this time! I just have to send them a few documents and have my fingerprints taken. Whew!
In other news, my medical doctor has agreed to sign my paperwork for disability, and also provide information on my condition to para-transit. Yay! What a relief it will be to have the freedom to schedule doctor appointments etc, and not have to worry about how to get there.
Also, I started seeing a therapist to help me deal with the anger I've been feeling about this whole situation. It's pretty tough to be trapped in my own body day in and day out, and I just get so frustrated. So, hopefully talking with her will help me sort it out.
And last but not least, I finished and printed my first coloring book :-D I will be contacting yoga studios and local bookstores to see how many they would like to buy :-)

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