Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I am still sometimes amazed at how heat affects me. It is 74 degrees F here and I was in and out of the sun as I stepped around my garden inspecting my melon crop. After only a few minutes I felt overheated, lightheaded and a bit sweaty. I stood up, unsteady on my feet and staggered into the house for some cold water to keep from passing out. My skin still feels warm to the touch. Before I contracted this disease I could walk downtown for hours in direct sunlight in 110+ degree weather and just be a little sweaty and thirsty, but otherwise ok. Grrrrrr.

There is debate among patients of Lyme disease as to whether or not psychological treatment is needed or helpful. I am among those who believe that it is essential. Not as a cure, because it is most certainly NOT "all in your head", but for support. I have a wonderful psychologist who understands that my illness is physical and real. Talking it out with someone who will listen and understand and offer support has really helped me through some of my darkest times. Simply being heard and believed is something that many of us have never encountered, even from well-meaning family and friends who suggest that we 'exercise more' or 'get a hobby' or 'try to think more positively'. There is a possibility that a counselor, therapist or psychologist may come to the conclusion that it is all in your head when they find that doctors have given up treating, told you it's stress etc. If that is the case, my advice would be to fire their behinds and find someone who 'gets it'. So, that is my two cents on the subject.

1 comment:

dlonda101 said...

Don't you need a neurologist also?