Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Update 2

August 27, 2012
   A new set of symptoms popped up out of the blue. Severe stomach pain after eating, nausea and vomiting. For an entire year I visited emergency rooms, my primary doctor and GI specialists. They took blood, and urine....shoved tubes up my butt and down my throat...biopsied one end of my gut to the other.....pumped me full of radioactive dye and oral contrast and stuck me in multiple scanners. Celiac, H. Pylori, Diverticulitis and liver and gall bladder issues were ruled out. Erosion of the stomach lining and a benign polyp were the only concrete findings, though the cause remains unknown. Acid reducers, anti-nausea pills and pain medications did help in the beginning, but lost their effectiveness as time went on. Keeping a daily food diary and removing the foods that caused me the most pain gave me some hope of finding the irritant responsible, but by summer of 2013, I was eating only bananas, rice and apples. Things seemed pretty bleak, and by about mid August,  I was no longer able to ingest any solid foods without worsening the pain.

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