Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pancakes and pajamas


This really hit home for me. Being ill and in a wheelchair, I get confronted with seemingly idiotic questions, comments and behavior every time I leave the house. I go out each time with my armour on, an arsenal of medical information and statistics on the tip of my tongue, ready to correct misconceptions and justify every action and decision my circumstances have led me to make. This woman's words have reminded me to have compassion for those who are stepping out of their comfortable space and facing their own fears by just approaching and talking to me...that it might even be the hardest thing they've had to do in a long time. Everyone wants understanding and acceptance, and it seems that my desire to receive those from others has blinded me to the simple fact that they too are seeking the very same thing. Time to put myself in their shoes and make those hard conversations a lot easier for everyone. Thanks, Ash Beckham....you've given me a lot to think about.

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