Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Update 1

Since so much has happened since I was posting regularly, I've decided to give updates in small pieces rather than one, long blog novel.

  About two years ago I pretty much faded from the blog/vlog world after being denied disability benefits. From the day of my diagnosis up to that point, my every waking moment had been spent thinking, talking, writing about and researching Lyme Disease. Quite honestly, I got sick of it. No pun intended. Even hearing or seeing the word Lyme brought on a twinge of nausea. The punch-in-the face reality of how devastated and lonely this illness can leave a person became all-encompassing, and the more I read about the CDC, Lyme-illiterate doctors, and the countless people out there struggling to make it through each day after being tossed aside to suffer and die, the worse I felt. I was in too deep emotionally. Something had to give. I had started this blog as an outlet for myself and a source of information to help others understand the daily challenges a person with this illness faces, but it became such an emotional drain that I had to walk away and catch my breath. It was definitely the right decision. I’ve returned with a new approach to daily life. Lyme disease does not define me. I am a human being who just happens to have an illness and wants to share her joys, struggles and triumphs with the world. I will focus on what does work, rather than what doesn’t…. what I can do, as opposed to what I can’t.  I think in the long run, that will be far more helpful not only to myself, but anyone else out there who happens to be reading this.
That’s all for today. Peace out J

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm back!

Hello everyone! My apologies for being gone so long. I really backed off communication here and on my video blog due to being overwhelmed with this entire situation. Since my last post, I was denied disability benefits despite 3 appeals and appearing in court with a disability lawyer. Very disheartening. I spoke with my lawyer afterward about reapplying... he said it would not be worth it unless my condition worsens drastically or I receive a new diagnosis. Over the next year I struggled quite a lot just to keep my head above water, searching for ways to get my needs met and hitting a lot of dead ends, mostly due to a lack of stamina. I had great ideas, mind you..my body simply could not carry them out.  I did learn something about myself, though; that I am capable of handling a lot more than I ever thought I could.