Saturday, September 25, 2010


I'm shaking like a leaf this afternoon and am very unsteady on my feet after a marathon 24 hours of sleep. A friend kidnapped me and took me to Las Vegas on Monday for a much needed vacation. It was a blast, and for brief moments I forgot all about my illness and was able to have a great time :) We visited a few hotels, saw some shows and got a ton of pics. For the first two days I was able to push pretty hard, ignoring my symptoms, until I began to wind down on the last day, struggling to sit up without feeling dizzy. I pushed even then, wanting to squeeze every bit of fun I could out of the trip. As a result, the disease has reacted, hitting me like a ton of bricks. My hands are shaking so badly it is difficult to type and I will likely need to lie back down in a few minutes. It was worth it though, I had an awesome time! The best part was those short periods where I felt like a normal person doing normal things. I will keep those moments with me.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'm really glad you had fun Jess, you deserve it!! I hope that goomba and his new friend did not bug you too much :)